Food intolerance test

What is food intolerance?

Intolerance is a metabolic disorder. It is caused by a missing or insufficiently active enzyme that processes a particular food component. It is an intolerance of or hypersensitivity to specific food components. Unlike an allergy, this reaction is mediated by specific IgG antibodies and symptoms may appear after several hours, days or even weeks. It is therefore likely that we are often not even aware of the food connection.

What is food intolerance?

The most common are gastrointestinal symptoms reminiscent of irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, cramps, constipation and diarrhoea. Other symptoms include rashes, urticaria, asthma, but also a range of non-specific symptoms such as respiratory problems, chronic fatigue, joint pain, headaches and hair loss.

What is food intolerance?

The food intolerance test tests for IgG antibodies. We offer a complete food intolerance test, including 286 food types. You will receive your test results within 7 working days of collection to your email address.

Are you suffering from symptoms of intolerance?

If you experience any of the above symptoms after eating certain foods, we recommend that you get an intolerance test.

How should I prepare for a blood draw?

You should avoid fatty foods and alcohol before the blood draw. We recommend that you do not smoke and drink plenty of water immediately before the blood draw.

What information should the nurse know about me?

Alert the nurse if you have any allergies, are taking blood thinners, have been taking any medications for a long time or regularly, or if the blood draws make you nauseous.

How should I behave after a blood draw?

After the blood has been drawn, press the injection site firmly for at least 10 minutes and rest for this time. Do not put any physical strain on the upper limb where the blood was taken, ideally for 24 hours after the blood collection.