Paediatric and neonatal transports
At the beginning of 2022, we included the operation of paediatric and neonatology transports as part of the company’s comprehensive services for the transport of urgent care patients. Our crews use and depart from the departure point in Rudná u Prahy. The aim of the project was to ensure the continuous operation of ambulance crews with trained and experienced personnel in the field of pediatrics and neonatology. We use the necessary resources for the safe and comfortable transport of the smallest patients. All ambulances comply with Decree 296/2012 Coll. It is a comprehensive provision of children’s transports. In 80% of the cases, crews go out on scheduled secondary transports and the remaining 20% on acute secondary or primary calls.
- transport of paediatric urgent care patients in the RZP/RLP mode
- transport of paediatric patients in critical condition by a mobile intensive care unit
- transport of paediatric patients in palliative care
- transport of newborns by transport incubator
- repatriation of paediatric and neonatal patients
Transports are carried out in cooperation with:
Nemocnice Hořovice
Fakultní nemocnice Motol
Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice
Why use our crews for pediatric patient transports?
- trained and competent staff with experience in paediatric emergency medicine
- we use the latest and safest restraint systems and equipment for transporting paediatric and neonatal patients
- 24/7 operation